
For Village Hall bookings phone Rachel on 01508 537151

Click on ‘click here’ or the organisation’s logo to go to its web site

Baby and Toddler Group

No longer running. (2020)

Bell Ringers

St Mary’s Church has an active band of ringers who practise weekly and ring for services and weddings.

Phone Joy 01508 538249

Book Club

The Norfolk Reads book club meet every six weeks or so in someone’s house on a weekday evening.  New members welcome.

Phone Di Smith on 01508 538233


The Bramrocks is the amateur dramatics group for the 3 villages of BRAMerton, ROCKland St Mary and Surlingham

Phone Keith Saxton on 01508 538622

Carpet Bowls

The club meets at the village hall on Thursdays 2.30pm – 4pm and Fridays 7pm to 10pm. It currently has 18 members, who are over the age of 50.

Phone John 01508 538088 or Ros on 01508 538096

Gentle exercise for over 60s

Tuesday 2.15-3.15 with refreshments afterwards. Variety of seated and standing exercises. £3 per session.     10/21

Phone Jenny Hall on 01508 494443 


The Village Lunch Club

is a great opportunity to make new friends and catch up with old ones. A two course roast costing only £4.50 is served at 12.30pm every 3rd Wednesday. To reserve a place please telephone Karen Brooks on 538075.     10/21

Padmaloka Retreat Centre

Buddhism and Buddhist meditation centre

Phone 01508 538112

Surlingham Broadnotes Choir

Surlingham Broadnotes Choir welcomes everyone aged 16 and over who loves to sing, no experience necessary.  Enthusiasm important.  Meets most Wednesdays 6-7pm at the Village Hall.  We sing a wide range of songs, including musicals, spirituals, sea-shanties and folk songs.

Please use Contact us to find out more

Surlingham Tornadoes Football Club


Training is on Wednesdays and matches on Sunday for boys and girls from reception to year 7

Phone James 01508 538816

Norfolk Constabulary (Police)

Poringland Neighbourhood Policing Team.  Beat Manager PC Stu Sansbury.

Direct dial number 01603 276207

Phone 101 or if an emergency, 999

The South Yare Wildlife Group

Covering the area to the south east of Norwich bounded by the Rivers Yare, Chet and Tas, the group’s objectives are to promote for the benefit of the public the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment of the South Yare area.

Coldham Hall Sailing Club

Sailing and racing on the Yare river

Phone Judith Robertson 01603 712916

Surlingham SchoolSPS_logo

Surlingham School is a small and friendly primary school situated five miles south of Norwich.

We aim to encourage and support our pupils to enjoy their childhoods and reach their full potential, as confident, inquisitive learners and as fully rounded individuals. Our small, caring community and our inspiring environment, within the South Norfolk Broads, make a huge impact on our children’s development and our essential values.

Phone 01508 538214

Sunbeams Preschool

Sunbeams Preschool was established in 1971 to meet the needs of local children. We provide a range of learning experiences from ages 2 to 5 and support parents in preparing them effectively for school life.

Ted Ellis Trust

The Ted Ellis Trust runs Wheatfen Broad reserve, one of the few remaining areas of the once extensive Yare Valley swamp. It is, undoubtedly, one of the most important sites of its kind in Britain. Free entry but contributions welcome.

Phone 01508 538036

Surlingham Women’s Institute

Surlingham W.I. meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at 7.30 in the Parish Hall (unless otherwise indicated). These meetings comprise of a lively and varied programme of events, where there is a warm welcome for all!

Phone Monica Payne 01508 537119

Organisations last edited 11/20