Go on a Worm Hunt this May!

Go worm charming this May, and contribute to our citizen science project to understand soil health. 

Did you know that healthy soils have more worms? Our annual Worm Hunt is back, and you can get involved by charming worms to the surface and counting them, all to help us build a better picture of the state of UK soils.

The UK public has gone worm-mad this May, with our Worm Hunt being featured in The Guardian, the Metro, and on ITV’s This Morning!

Worms can be charmed to the surface by vibrations caused by anything from dancing to twanging garden forks. Taking part is easy and fun, and the perfect way for grown-ups and children alike to learn about the soil. 

Register for a Worm Hunt and you’ll receive a handy digital guide to worm charming. The guide will help you identify common types of UK earthworm, and provide some excellent tips on how to bring worms up to the surface to say ‘hello’.

Don’t forget to report your findings by 31st May, and happy charming!

The Worm Hunt Team

Why are we doing this?

  • Worm charming might sound a bit wacky, but scientists and farmers routinely use worm counts to understand soil health. 
  • We’re on a mission to get the UK public excited about soil. We depend on soils for 95% of our food production, and our Worm Hunt is a fun way to start conversations about the incredible world under our feet
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