Rockland Benefice – Sunday Services in June

Good afternoon, 

May I offer a big thank you to everyone who supported Christian Aid Week. £190.15 was raised, plus gift aid. 

On Saturday the Bugs and Beasties display launch comes to Surlingham Church between 2pm and 4.30pm, with music, cards, refreshments and lots of creativity to look at!

On Sunday (9th) we celebrate a Benefice Communion at Surlingham (10am). 

Celtic Prayer meets in Surlingham porch at 10am on Tuesday (11th) for words, prayers, stillness and plenty of birdsong!

The following Sunday (16th) sees Morning Worship at Claxton (9.30am) and Mattins at Kirby Bedon (11am). The bugs and beasties theme continues at 4pm in The Barn with Still with Insects. We will experience them as a vital part of creation in contemplative encounter.

With best wishes, Nick

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